Please see below for a message from Pastor Hoyte regarding our response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19):
I am writing in shared concern over the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and how we can best respond as a church family.
I have been in communication with staff and leaders of the church as well as the District and Conference offices of The United Methodist Church in gaining helpful information. The below correspondence from the District and Conference offices was circulated today to clergy and others via email. I want to make sure that you are kept in the loop with this information as the two documents offer wise and safe ways to interact in the life of North Olmsted UMC and our sister churches.
In addition to the below documents please note that The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( and the World Health Organization ( offer extensive and excellent guidance on how to address concerns pertaining to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). I encourage you to visit the websites to obtain information about maintaining your health and that of your families, friends, and the communities in which you reside, worship, work, and play.
While news, directives, and suggestions from local, state, and federal authorities are changing daily, please note the following that directly affects North Olmsted UMC at the present time. Until further notice:
1. We will be worshiping in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings.
2. We will not be gathering for Sunday school classes.
3. The fellowship time on Sunday mornings will include coffee but no food.
4. Communion in the Chapel after worship services during the Season of Lent will continue with no communal touching of the elements.
Please also note that the following events in the life of the church have been cancelled or postponed until a later date.
1. UMM Chicken Dinner, Saturday, March 14 (cancelled)
2. Dover Players March performances of The Boyfriend (postponed)
3. Breakfast with The Bunny, Saturday, April 4 (cancelled)
For people who are not able to attend worship services on Sunday mornings, you may mail your financial contributions in stewardship with the church to North Olmsted UMC to the attention of Ed Brewster, Financial Secretary.
Finally, please know that through are faith, support, love, and care for one another we can and will get through this unusual and difficult time together. Remember and hold on to the words of assurance from the Apostle Paul in Romans 8:38-39–“For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Serving prayerfully with you with the eternal and guiding presence of God and Jesus Christ,
Pastor Hoyte
North Olmsted United Methodist Church