
Our church does a great deal of mission work, both in our community and beyond. Some of our continuing efforts include our monthly community meal, work at the North Olmsted Food Pantry, Laura’s Home Supper Kitchen, working with Harvest Partners, North Olmsted Human Resources, Flat Rock Children’s Home, OhioGuidestone, and the annual youth mission trip.

Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee oversees the Mission work of the church.  It works with North Olmsted’s Oxcart Food Pantry to provide food and donations to stock their shelves and it coordinates Adopt-a-Family, Christmas Stockings and toy collections, Hat and Mitten Tree, and Easter Baskets.  It also makes decisions about the featured charity for Penny Sunday.

Penny Sunday Donations

The Third Sunday of every month, North Olmsted UMC takes a second offering during our worship service.  At this time we ask for your loose change or perhaps an extra dollar of two to support one of the missions of the church.

Feeding the Community: Body, Mind, and Spirit