
We appreciate your generous donations, which allow us to give back to others in our community! Please contact [email protected] with any questions about financial contributions.

Online Donations

Visit our online portal to set up one-time or recurring donations.

As a donor, you will have an option to include a note with your donation.

Step 1: After entering your donation  amount, you will have the option to “Write a Note”. Just click on the  “+” sign, as shown in the below image.

Step 2: A text box will appear and you can enter your note. An example is shown below.

In-Person Donations

As always, you are welcome to donate via check, which you can drop off at the church office to the attention of the Financial Secretary, Ron Clough. For those who worship with us in person, the ushers will have an offering plate available on Sunday.

Feeding the Community, Body and Soul