“…Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.” Matthew 28:10
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!
I trust that you are experiencing Lent and the approaching time of Easter with new awakenings and a spirit of hope and promise for renewed life through the Risen Christ!
With this in mind, I encourage you to tell the Good News of the Risen Christ. This high calling of discipleship cannot be done through our own strength. Why? Most, if not all of us, are impacted in some way by challenges with relationships, families, careers, health, and hopes for the wellbeing of the church, country, and world.
Are you troubled by a disagreement or hurtful experience with a family member or friend? Are you experiencing strains in your job or with adjustments in retirement? Are you worried about your own health or the health of a loved one in light of the news of COVID-19? Are you anxious about the future of the local and connectional church? Are you concerned about the deep divides of people in their ways of thinking and behaving with one another?
The Good News is that the love of God and the Risen Christ are present with whatever we are facing, and it is the strength of our faith that gives us courage to move forward each day, one person, one-moment-at-a time! We need not worry or be afraid!
Thanks be to God, through Jesus’ proclamation to those who first experienced his resurrection, we can live hopefully and courageously with the words: “Do not be afraid!” We can do so by telling and living the Good News that Jesus, the Risen Christ, is alive and well!
Easter is on its way and will soon be experienced as an encouraging reminder of the power of resurrection life!
Pastor Hoyte