Welcome to the official website of North Olmsted United Methodist Church. We are a local church in the suburban setting of North Olmsted, Ohio. We foster spiritual growth through worship, prayer, and mission. We are an inclusive congregation; all are welcome in our church.
Our building is fully handicap accessible. All rooms are at the same grade level as our parking lot except the upstairs youth rooms. All doors are wide, and we have handicap accessible restrooms. Join us for worship in person or online at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays!
Adult Lenten Outing: Tetelestai-
Cleveland’s Own Passion Play
Join us on our latest adventure on Sunday March 30th at 2 PM as we travel to St Frances Xavier Cabrini Catholic Church in Loran to see the Gospel presented in visual form by the Cleveland Performing Arts Ministries! Admission is free; however free will offerings are greatly appreciated. Meet us there or carpool! Sign up sheets will be in Fellowship Hall on the sign-in table. Please contact Wendy at [email protected] if you have any questions!

Community Easter Egg Hunt
Join us Saturday, April 12, for Easter Egg Hunt!
Hunt Times: 1:00 and 2:00 p.m.
Email Wendy at [email protected] with the time slot you would like to attend, and the number and names of the children attending. We hope to see you there!
Lenten Adult Bible Study
Body of Proof: A Study on theResurrection of Jesus
Please join us as we closely examine the events of Easter weekend, and learn four reasons why we can trust in the resurrection of Jesus as a historical fact and place our hope in Him! Tuesday evening classes will be held at 7:30 from March 25th through April 15th, and Thursday morning classes will be held at 11 AM from March 27th through April 17th. Study booklets are free of charge unless you would like to make a free will donation to the church. A sign up sheet will be available in Fellowship Hall on the sign-in table. Please see Wendy for further information!
Easter Flower Sale
Worship Team is taking orders for Easter Lilies, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Tulips, Martha Washington Geraniums, and Pansies to decorate our altar on Easter morning. Flower orders will be due on March 23rd. Order forms are available in Fellowship Hall. Please fold your payment into the order form and place it into the purple box or send them to Wendy’s attention at the church. You may also email your order to Wendy at [email protected]. Proceeds from the sale will support our Altar and Arts Team and be used to decorate our altar throughout the year. Flowers may be taken home after our Easter morning service!
Nehemiah Mission Volunteers Needed
Mark your 2025 calendars: Future “Bread on Bridge” meals will take place on Tuesday April 1st, June 3rd, August 5th, October 7th and December 2nd.
Community Meal Volunteers Needed
We need volunteers to cook for our monthly community meal. If you or your group would like to provide a wholesome meal for our neighbors in need, please consider volunteering to cook one meal. The meal is served the last Thursday of each month (except December) to approximately 50 guests. The church provides a budget of $150 in support of the meal. Several volunteers aid in set up, serving, and cleanup the day of the meal. A document will be provided to help you plan and shop for the meal including some sample menus.
If you would like more information, please feel free to contact [email protected].
Events Calendar
If you would like to add the Google calendar to your computer or smart phone, please click here.
Please Note: In our commitment to care for one another, please communicate with us, and do not attend any church events if you have any reason to be concerned about exposure to COVID. If you find you are sick or have tested positive after attending a church event, please tell us so that we can carefully and confidentially make others who were attending aware of exposure. Thank you for being respectful of our extended family of faith.
At-Home Worship Materials
In addition to in-person services, we will continue to live stream services every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. on YouTube!
Racial Justice Group Zoom Meetings
The Racial Justice Group will participate in the Pro-Racial Equity Group zoom meetings on the 2nd Thursday of every month. Recaps of any speakers are available after the meetings. NOUMC RJ Group will have a discussion zoom meeting on the following Monday evening. Contact [email protected] if you would like any of the registration info and zoom links.
Technology Trainees Needed
Do you know how to push a button? The booth crew is looking for some backup! We would like to invite people to train with us to learn how to run the audio-visual booth. Training will consist of a brief session to familiarize you with the equipment and procedures, and plenty of opportunities to stand with us in the booth during services to learn hands-on. Contact John or Phil Wolter or email [email protected].
Safe Sanctuary Information
Safe Sanctuary is a practice of radical hospitality, authenticity and an extravagant welcoming spirit. Therefore, as a Christian community of faith and a United Methodist congregation, we strive to conduct our ministries in ways that assure the safety and spiritual growth of all persons as well as all of the workers who serve children, youth and vulnerable adults.
We will follow reasonable safety measures in the selection and recruitment of workers; we will implement operational procedures in all programs and events; we will educate all of our workers with children, youth and vulnerable adults regarding the use of all appropriate policies and procedures. Read more.
Financial Contributions to North Olmsted United Methodist Church
Thank you for continuing to be faithful with your financial gifts!